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OROP Pension Table 2025: New OROP-3 Revised Pension Table PDF

OROP Pension Table 2025: New OROP-3 Revised Pension Table PDF Download

Latest OROP Pension Table 2025: Key Points of the One Rank One Pension (OROP) Initiative: The OROP scheme ensures that Armed Forces members who retire at the same rank and with identical service durations receive a consistent pension, irrespective of when they retired. This approach aims to narrow the disparity between the pensions of current retirees and those who retired earlier, revisiting this alignment periodically. Here are the main aspects of the OROP directive:

  • Pensions will undergo reassessment every five years.
  • The pensions of former retirees will be recalibrated based on the pensions of those who retired in the calendar year 2013, with implementation starting from July 1, 2014.
  • Pension adjustments for all retirees will be determined by averaging the minimum and maximum pensions of personnel who retired in 2013, provided they share the same rank and service length.
  • For individuals receiving pensions above this average, their amounts will remain safeguarded.
  • Arrears will be distributed in four equal payments every six months.
  • Conversely, all family pension recipients, including those receiving Special or Liberalized family pensions and Gallantry award holders, will receive their arrears in a single payment.

OROP Scheme: Financial Support for Defence Pensioners

The One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme is designed to provide significant financial support to a specific group of individuals, namely the Defence Forces pensioners who retired up to June 30, 2014, along with their family pensioners. As a result of this beneficial policy, an impressive total sum of ₹ 10,795.40 crore has been disbursed as arrears to an astounding 20,60,220 Defence Forces pensioners and their family members, marking a substantial implementation milestone for the OROP initiative.

Furthermore, the yearly recurring expenditure attributed to this scheme amounts to approximately ₹ 7,123.38 crores, highlighting its ongoing financial commitment to those who served in the armed forces. Over the course of nearly six years, starting from July 1, 2014, the cumulative expenditure related to the OROP scheme surpassed ₹ 42,740 crore, demonstrating a significant investment in the welfare of our veterans. Additionally, OROP beneficiaries also received the advantage of pension fixation under the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC), which was calculated using a multiplication factor of 2.57, ensuring that their pensions were adjusted to better reflect the changing economic conditions and the sacrifices they made for the nation.

OROP 2 Revised Pension Table PDF Download

The OROP 2 Revised Pension Table PDF outlines a significant and much-anticipated revision of pensions for Armed Forces pensioners as well as for family pensioners, which will be implemented under the One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme. This new policy is set to take effect from July 1, 2019, and it aims to ensure that all veterans receive fair and equitable pension benefits.

The pensions for individuals who retired in the past will undergo a comprehensive recalibration process, which will be based on the average of the minimum and maximum pensions awarded to Defence Forces retirees during the year 2018. This recalibration will take into account various factors, including the rank held and the length of service completed by each retiree, thereby ensuring that those who dedicated their lives to serving the nation are justly compensated for their sacrifices and service.

RankPension as on 1.1.2016Revised pension 1.7.2021Arrears Jul 2019 To Jun 2022
Nb Subedar24,23227,5971,08,000
Sub Major33,52638,8631,75,000
Lt. Colonel84,33098,8324,55,000
Maj. Gen.99,6211,12,0393,90,000
Lt. Gen.1,01,5151,15,3164,32,000

OROP-3 Revised Pension Table PDF Download for Defence Forces

The OROP 3 Revised Pension Table PDF Download is an important document that outlines the recent changes and updates to the pension scheme for Defence Forces personnel. As specified in the Defence Ministry Letter No.12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II, dated 7.11.2015, this letter highlights the guidelines for the re-fixation of pensions for Defence Forces personnel, which will occur every five years moving forward. The first revision of pensions under the One Rank One Pension (OROP) Scheme was successfully implemented on 1.7.2019, providing much-needed adjustments for veterans.

Looking ahead, the second revision is set to take effect from 1.7.2024, ensuring that eligible Defence Forces pensioners and family pensioners receive a fair re-fixation of their pensions. This re-fixation will be based on the average of the minimum and maximum pensions awarded to Defence Forces personnel who retired in the calendar year 2023, while serving in the same rank and possessing the same length of service. Importantly, for those pensioners who are currently drawing pensions above the established average, their pensions will be protected, ensuring that no veteran faces a reduction in their hard-earned benefits.

OROP 3 Revision of Pension Table from 1.7.2024